24 Presets
B&W Charm – Rich monochrome with a boosted s-curve & enhanced clarity
B&W Deep Glow - Contrasty black & white with deep blacks & bright highlights
B&W Golden - Warm, cinematic, sepia toning over rich contrast & clarity
B&W Gothic - An analog inspired monochrome with lifted blacks & reduced whites
Boosted Energy - Increased contrast & clarity, boosted saturation, & modified individual color tones
Colorful Charm - Colorful with warm filtering over cooled greens
Cool Push - Teal highlights, olive shadows, rich saturation, & bright white tones
Coral Dynamics - Peachy-warm & colorful, with boosted contrasts & lifted mid-tones
Desaturated Shimmer - Soft, golden tones overlay desaturated coloring & softened clarity
Dusk Like Magic - Exposure-dropping, with soft clarity & cooling overtones
Enchanted Light - Bright highlights, rich shadows, boosted saturation, & overall warming tones
Fire Flame – Classic warmth with generalized softening
Illumination - Warmed highlights & shadows, increased contrast, & lifted mid-tones
Lavender Shine - Cool-magenta toning with warmed reds & boosted overall vibrance
Lifted Illusion - Peachy-warm highlights, clover-toned shadows, lifted blacks, & reduced whites
Magically Cool – Clean, with cooled color-toning & rich contrast
Magically Warm – Clean, with warmed color-toning & rich contrasts
Mysterious Moods - Olive highlights, magenta shadows, increased saturation, & a boosted s-curve
Mystical Mist – Dreamy-cool toning with filmy blacks & softened contrasts
Pale tones – Simple & airy, with pink-toned highlights & warm shadows
Plum Glow - Pink highlight tones over plum shadows & rich saturation
Retro Glimmer - Rich magenta shadows, cooling highlights, deep saturation, & slightly modified individual color tones
Rich Elegance – Deep saturation, with softened contrast & warming overtones
Spectacular Highlights - Increased contrast, lowered clarity, boosted saturation, & modified individual color tones
21 Fairytale Tool Presets
Color Highlights. Cool, Peach, Plum, Teal, Warm
Color Shadows. Amber, Cool, Magenta, Navy, Warm
Color Split. Cool-Warm, Peach-Navy, Teal-Amber, Warm-Cool
Tone Curve. Lavender Magic, Pastel Magic, Retro Magic, Warm Plum Magic
Vignette. Lite, Medium, Strong
13 Fairytale Brushes
Clover, Cool, Plum, Warm, Dreamy Desaturation, Dreamy Saturation, Dusk Moonlight, Magically Clear, Morning Sunlight, Pop the Light, Soft Glow, Tones Boosted, Tones Softened.